Today is a special day.
Today would have been my Mom and Dad’s 64th anniversary. Back in 1960, the then 21-year-old Carie Joanne, a few months out of nursing school, and 23-year-old Clint, just beginning his college studies after a four-year hitch in the Air Force, wed at a small white clapboard church in Bowman, S.C.
Some of you know that my Mom died September 10 at the age of 85. I wrote this piece celebrating her 75th birthday in 2014 on my blog “Notes from Aunt Gem.” I want to share it again today.
When I think of Mom, I think of the time the two of us went to Savannah together for the weekend. I was worried about what we’d say to each other for 72 hours of togetherness. It was the first time in some years we’d spent that much time just by ourselves. What would I say to her all weekend? Would it be awkward?
I needn’t have worried. The minute I picked her up she started chatting about anything and everything. She chatted happily all weekend, the extrovert. All I had to do was listen.
Another memory I have of Mom is of her making cocoa for me and my brother after school on cold, rainy days. And of her being the Girl Scout cookie captain for five years running – as well as the Cub Scout den mother for my brother’s pack. (Never forgot one of the Cubs eating so many cupcakes he made himself sick.)
Mom was the modern-day Centaur, as Erma Bombeck said – half woman, half station wagon. Or in her case, a light blue 1970 Ford LTD. She chauffeured me and my friends to kindergarten, ballet class, piano rehearsals and later high school band practice.
She was a dedicated worker. After she went back to work (once my younger brother was 17) she was never late to her job as a nurse. In fact, she’d get uptight about her schedule and be ready 30 minutes before she had to leave for her afternoon shift, just to give herself time to relax. In my memory she didn’t get sick and hardly took time off. At her retirement party the organizers limited the 10 speakers on the program to two minutes each. That was after the presentation of the plaques from the mayor and the governor.
For all her talents, Mom was not Julia Child – and she didn’t pretend or try to be. She was firmly out of the WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) mode of cooking – boil it to death because water is a spice. I couldn’t eat green beans after I left home until I discovered steaming.
But Dad liked his green beans that way – and he was the one she was cooking for, not us kids. She always catered to him, making him a priority. Cookies Dad liked – he got them. Dishes he liked – he got them. Even today she cooks a hot lunch for him most days. Funny tale about that: right after they moved into their current patio home community, Dad got a part-time job at the model home across the street. Mom would cook his lunch and carry it over to him each day at noon. One day the neighbors reported that a few minutes after they saw Mom return home, she was back out the door to go to Dad – with a ketchup bottle in her hand.
Mom understands loyalty, fidelity, service and love. A 54-year marriage (and counting), as well as a 25-year career, is proof.
Happy 75th Birthday, Mom. May you have many, many more.
We had 10 more years together. I cherish the memories.
It’s Time: This Week’s Numbers
I’m so happy for this progress. I think Mom would be proud. She was always asking me, “How’s your diet going?” Usually that question simply exasperated me. Today I can say - Super!
Results for Today:
Starting weight: December 2022 - 255 pounds (EEEK!)
Weight today: 208.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 144 pounds
I remembered this week. It’s a new scale - Withings. It sends the weight to my new app automatically.
The Weight Graph:
Instant Analysis
I am still shaking myself over how well this is going. Perhaps next week, if this continues, I’ll believe it and tell you more about this program I’m doing. But now I feel as if I’ll jinx it if I give more details! One thing I will share: no processed food. Nothing in the center aisles of the store. And with the exception of one or two sweets since I began - no sweets.
Your Monday Morning Meme
Inspiration for the Week
All for you
Dear readers, you are the reason I keep going. You are the reason I’m doing as well as I am in saying no to snacks and eating sensibly. I want to have good news for you each week. Thank you for following along on the journey! I’m so grateful to have you as readers.
Have a good week!
Jennifer, what an uplifting and touching story of your mom life. I love all your stories but this one is very special.